[comp.sys.att] PC6300 graphics

doug@marque.UUCP (harris) (07/14/87)

Who could share with me the magic incantation for obtaining
640 by 400 graphics from C/assembler for the AT&T PC6300?
That is, if using int10h with ah=0, what should al be set to?
And can the bios "write dot" int10h,ah=0ch function then be used?
Or what is "the best" way to perform 640 by 400 mode line drawing?

Is there a good book/manual on the level of Duncan's Advanced MSDOS
that "knows about" the PC6300?

Thanks in advance: if replies are emailed rather than posted I'll
summarize and post if something of general interest results.


psfales@ihlpe.ATT.COM (Pete Fales) (07/16/87)

In article <1723@marque.UUCP>, doug@marque.UUCP writes:
> Who could share with me the magic incantation for obtaining
> 640 by 400 graphics from C/assembler for the AT&T PC6300?
> That is, if using int10h with ah=0, what should al be set to?
> And can the bios "write dot" int10h,ah=0ch function then be used?
> Or what is "the best" way to perform 640 by 400 mode line drawing?

The magic number you want is al=40h.  For a good time try al=48h.
The "write dot" function can then be used.

> Is there a good book/manual on the level of Duncan's Advanced MSDOS
> that "knows about" the PC6300?

If you are willing to spend $65.00 you can order the system programmers
guide from AT&T.  Thats where I got this info.  Just call 1-800-432-6600 
and ask for order code 909-802-200IS.

Peter Fales		UUCP:	...ihnp4!ihlpe!psfales
			work:	(312) 979-7784
				AT&T Information Systems, IW 1Z-243
				1100 E. Warrenville Rd., IL 60566