charlie@ureka.UUCP (charlie crassi) (07/20/87)
I recently had occasion to need some help getting my 7300/3b1 working on
an external 2400 baud Modem in addition to the internal modem. I got the
help I needed from gizzmo!mark (mark hilliard). While engaged in this
unfriendly endeavor, I also was able to purchase some additional software.
I also bought ureka's 80 meg. drive through Mark some time ago, and he has
been more than willing to assist in keeping ureka up and running.
Mark is also gaining a good reputation in the business community, having
sold 3b1's as far away as Alaska, and as many as 12 at a time per order,
while offering the service to go with the systems. His latest project is
networking a local TV News Room on a LAN with 3b1's.
I would like to pass Mark's latest price list on to the network users, as
I have found no better prices available in our area. If you are able to
benefit from using this resource, this posting will have served some good
Disclaimer : I am in no way connected with Software Solutions other than
being another happy and satisfied customer.
.... Charlie ....
| Dare To Be Great |
========================== cut here =====================================
The AT&T 32 bit desktop computer system is on SSSAAALLLEEE! This system
is running a 32 bit M68010 processor at _111_000 mhz! It is a true
multi-tasking, multi-user desk top computer system that takes up
less space than an IBM PC/XT/AT. The base unit comes with a 20
meg hard disk and 1 meg of ram which can be upgraded to a 67 meg
drive and 4 meg of ram. It will support a total of 5 users at the
same time (67meg/4meg) and allow users to run _MMM_SSS_DDD_OOO_SSS on its own
dedicated processor while running _U_N_I_X tasks at the same time
(see DOS-73 below)! This version of unix is running a _w_i_n_d_o_w_s
user interface and is extremely user friendly and easy to learn.
AT&T 7300 with 20 meg winchester, 1 meg ram $$$111000000000...000000 plus s+h
AT&T 3B1 with 40 meg winchester, 1 meg ram $$$111444999555...000000 plus s+h
AT&T 3B1 with 40 meg winchester, 2 meg ram $$$111555999555...000000 plus s+h
AT&T 3B1 with 67 meg winchester, 2 meg ram $$$111888000000...000000 plus s+h
The computers listed above come complete with UUUNNNIIIXXX (tm) System 5
version 2 (3.5) foundation set, high resolution CRT, mouse,
keyboard, 1200 baud internal modem, serial/parallel port and
floppy disk. The items listed below are add-ons.
DOS-73 _MMM_SSS_DDD_OOO_SSS Co-processor (8mhz 8086 w/512k) $$$777444555...000000 plus s+h
Smart Software $$$333000000...000000 plus s+h
AT&T Tape Backup $$$111222999000...000000 plus s+h
610 Terminal $$$666555000...000000 plus s+h
Dual EIA Board for the 7300/3B1 $$$333999000...000000 plus s+h
EIA w/ .5 meg ram board $$$777999000...000000 plus s+h
Development Set (Utilities) $$$333888000...000000 plus s+h
Wordstar 2000 (Unix Version) $$$444555000...000000 plus s+h
SVS Pascal $$$444999555...000000 plus s+h
_A_L_L_ _ _A_T_&_T_ _P_R_O_D_U_C_T_S_ _A_R_E_ _B_E_I_N_G_ _S_O_L_D_ _A_T_ _A_ _D_I_S_C_O_U_N_T_,_ _A_S_K_ _F_O_R_ _A_ _P_R_I_C_E_!
All of the computers are on a 3 week delivery direct from AT&T to
the customer. All mail orders require a 555000%%% dddeeepppooosssiiittt. We will take
orders over the network (email), phone or US mail. All computers
come with the standard AT&T warranty, and we can sell the AT&T
extended service contracts. TTThhheee 333BBB111 cccooommmpppuuuttteeerrrsss mmmuuusssttt bbbeee ssshhhiiippppppeeeddd
vvviiiaaa tttrrruuuccckkk wwwhhhiiillleee ttthhheee 777333000000 wwwiiillllll gggooo UUUPPPSSS...
Software Solutions
1557 Starflower Ct.
Walworth, N.Y. 14568
Mark Hilliard (mhuxu,u1100a)-----|
KB2DNI seismo!rochester!kodak!gizzmo!mark