sysop@stech.UUCP (Jan Harrington) (08/10/87)
I've been reading with interest the problems people are having with Hayes modems on 3B2/300's. Within a few days I'm going to be getting a Hayes compatible 2400 baud modem. The idea was to replace our AT&T dataphone II with the 2400 baud for both incoming and outcoming calls. From what I'm reading about what's been said about the Hayes dialer in the Basic Networking Utilites, it isn't possible to set the thing up as a bi-directional line, which I must do. Has anyone got a Hayes or Hayes compatible modem working bi-directionally at any speed? Am I stuck with the 1200 baud AT&T modem? Help! Jan Harrington, sysop Scholastech Telecommunications seismo!husc6!amcad!stech!sysop
randy@chinet.UUCP (Randy Suess) (08/11/87)
In article <120@stech.UUCP> sysop@stech.UUCP (Jan Harrington) writes: >I've been reading with interest the problems people are having with Hayes >modems on 3B2/300's. > From what I'm >reading about what's been said about the Hayes dialer in the Basic >Networking Utilites, it isn't possible to set the thing up as a bi-directional >line >Has anyone got a Hayes or Hayes compatible modem working bi-directionally at >any speed? I ran into this problem when I first got my 3b2/300 a couple of years ago. The problem is that the outbound dialer needs CD (pin 8) hi to open the port for dialing. But you want CD to follow carrier on dial in to make sure users get logged out if the line drops. What I did, was design a little black box consisting of a couple of one shots sitting between the modem and port on pin 8. It leaves 8 hi on the port so that outdialing will work, but toggles down and up on changes on pin 8 on the modem. This wakes up getty on dial in, and drops the connection on hang up. This has been working fine on the one line I use it on for news uucp traffic. I, too, would be interested in a software solution, as if the box ever breaks, I don't think I remember how I designed it! -- that's the biz, sweetheart..... Randy Suess ..!ihnp4!chinet!randy
kdavis@lamc.UUCP (Ken Davis) (08/14/87)
In article <1399@chinet.UUCP> randy@chinet.UUCP (Randy Suess) writes: >In article <120@stech.UUCP> sysop@stech.UUCP (Jan Harrington) writes: >>I've been reading with interest the problems people are having with Hayes >>modems on 3B2/300's. Be sure and set uugetty -r in your inittab file or the looping will drive the modem nuts. -- Ken Davis - {ptsfa,well,hoptoad}!lamc!kdavis ptsfa!lamc!