[comp.sys.att] help a starving student ...

samples@cypress.Berkeley.EDU.berkeley.edu (A. Dain Samples) (09/03/87)

I recently received a (free) 6300+, but it did not come with the first
section of the UNIX manual!  (What are all those options on `ls',

I would like ALL the documentation on the 6300+ UNIX System V 2.0 with
OS Merge/MSDOS I can get my hands on, but I'm unable (unwilling?) to
pay $60-$100 per manual for them.

So, I'm desparate for Section 1, but if you have any other manuals for
this system lying around that you'd like to make a few bucks off of,
let me know.

I figure there's GOT to be somebody around with excess manuals at a 
reasonable price.

Dain Samples
A. Dain Samples, 573 Evans, UC Berkeley, samples@arpa.berkeley.edu 
All opinions expressed herein are mine, and do not reflect the opinions of
anyone that does not want them to.