sysop@stech.UUCP (Jan Harrington) (09/06/87)
I'm trying to direct connect a Mac and an AT&T 3B2/400 and am having a devil of a time. We ran a serial cable from the Mac's modem port into the 3B2. We configured the port on the 3B2 for bidirectional transfers at 9600 baud by using the port configure option under sysadm uucpmgmt; we also made sure that there was a line in /etc/inittab to respawn the getty on the port. Then I set up Red Ryder to transmit at 9600 baud. Arg! No uugetty on the port at the 3B2 end. Where did we goof? Is there something else I need to do to the 3B2 to initiate a getty on a newly configured port? Or is the 3B2 not recognizing that there is something connected to the port and therefore not spawning the getty? Help!!!!!! Any suggestions are welcome. Jan Harrington, sysop Scholastech Telecommunications ihnp4!husc6!amcad!stech!sysop