twt@uicsl.UUCP (10/03/83)
#N:uicsl:7600026:000:301 uicsl!twt Oct 2 09:42:00 1983 I have not seen this movie, but when I read the ad for it in the paper I thought of this discussion. I have a feeling that Pia Zadora in Harold Robbins' "The Lonely Lady" will be a new classic bad film, and if anyone has the guts to go out and pay money to see it, I'd like your opinion. Mary
rtf@ihuxw.UUCP (10/04/83)
I must admit that I went out and paid $4.50 to see 'The Lonely Lady' and your assumption is correct. THIS MOVIE SUCKS!!! The acting was terrible, the characters were thin and superficial and every scene was predictable. The cast consisted mainly of bit actors and actresses from other movies. Of all the scenes where Pia was nude or partially nude there are very few where you were able to appreciate her good looks because she was always crying or screaming or having a nervous breakdown. I should have stayed home and watched Loveboat. sparrow