kathy@wrcola.UUCP (Kathy Vincent) (01/26/88)
I'm looking for some information about computer-based-training packages. I'd appreciate some recommendations and assessments from people who have used authoring systems and/or authoring languages to produce training packages, tutorial diskettes, point-of-sale presentations, electronic brochures, etc. What have you used? What do you like? What *don't* you like? Please include info about graphics capabilities, possible interfaces between an authoring system and another program (say, for simulations), hardware requirements and expansion possibilities. Are menus available for beginning authors? Can experienced authors bypass or ditch the menus - and even work straight with the authoring language, if they want to? I'm interested on the one hand in Getting the maximum use out of a bare-bones 6300. Most of the time, I won't be able to control the environment in which users would use the resulting products, so I have to assume (for starters, anyway) the lowest common denominator of equipment. and on the other hand in In exploring the options made available by expanding that 6300 (via hardware *or* software) and really coming up with something nifty for a controlled environment. For example, I understand some packages allow connecting to videodisc and videotape machines and some make use of fancy graphics cards - all things I couldn't *count* on a user having unless I were prepared to provide it. Some some also enable authors to use graphics files generated by other software packages. Thanks. Kathy Vincent ------> Home {ihnp4|mtune|codas|ptsfa}!bakerst!kathy ------> AT&T {ihnp4|mtune|burl|codas}!wrcola!kathy { favourite AT&T gateway }!wruxe!unix