[comp.sys.att] msc5.1 and att6300

norman@wiley.UUCP (Norman Lee) (04/21/88)

Received my copy of msc5.1 last night.  Successful at the first
step (how hard can opening packages be?).  Try running setup.
Immediately stuck.  Setup came back with one screenful of message
regarding reading setup.doc and hitting C or <return> to continue.
Then no response from keyboard.  Can't even do a ctrl-alt-del.  Any

Configuration:  ATT6300 with version 1.0 ROM running ATT DOS 3.2.
        O				---------------------------------------
      |_|_				Norman T. Lee  TRW Inc., CoyoteWorks
        | \				Redondo Beach, CA
       / \				...!{trwrb,cit-vax}!wiley!norman

mcripps@mtuxo.UUCP (XMP12-M.CRIPPS) (04/22/88)

In article <2122@wiley.UUCP>, norman@wiley.UUCP (Norman Lee) writes:
> Received my copy of msc5.1 last night.  Successful at the first
> step (how hard can opening packages be?).  Try running setup.
> Immediately stuck.  Setup came back with one screenful of message
> regarding reading setup.doc and hitting C or <return> to continue.
> Then no response from keyboard.  Can't even do a ctrl-alt-del.  Any
> suggestions?
> Configuration:  ATT6300 with version 1.0 ROM running ATT DOS 3.2.

First off, get rid of that 1.0 ROM!  From what I've experienced and what
I've heard, it's amazing that DOS 3.2 works at all.

I've heard that msc5.0 had problems with a Western Digital hard disk
controller that causes similar symptoms.  It was WD's fault, and they
allegedly provided a fix.  I don't know if msc5.1 has the same problem or
not, but I'm pretty sure that someone I know has used msc5.1 on a 6300
with no problems.

       ^         Michael J. Cripps
     / I \       AT&T Lincroft, NJ	This hearsay belongs to me.
    -------      mtuxo!mcripps
   /_|___|_\     (201) 576-2428
 /___|___|___\   Have a nice day fnord.