[comp.sys.att] Need BSD 4.2 or 4.3 for Convergent

merlin@hqda-ai.UUCP (07/12/88)

     We have about 50 Convergent Technologies CT-210 Miniframes.
These computers have reasonable hardware, comparable to a Sun-2
without the graphics.  Unfortunately, they have System V release
2, and a poor implementation of that.  Convergent has discontinued
this line, and does not intend to do any more development on it.
This machine is also almost identical to the AT&T Unix PC 7300.

     Most of our other machines are 4.3 BSD systems.  We would
like to put 4.3 on the CT-210s.  Before we expend the effort to do
this, has anyone else done this?  If you've got code for the
Convergent, great.  If you have code for the AT&T, good.  We'll
work from that.

     Set your legal worries aside.  SMU is fully licensed for
source code on all our systems.

     Thanks for your help,

     	  David Hayes
     	  SMU Schoof of Engineering
     	  3145 Dyer Street
     	  Dallas, TX  75275-0335

David S. Hayes, The Merlin of Avalon	PhoneNet:  (214) 692-3066
UUCP:  *!uunet!cos!hqda-ai!merlin	ARPA:  merlin@hqda-ai.arpa