benten@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Muhammad S. Benten) (09/20/88)
Hello netlanders, Enclosed is the final version of the "3b1tools" program. It is in a uuencoded executable that should replace the one I posted earlier. Modifications include: -memorization of the location of moved icons. -icon borders can be toggled on and off by a mouse click on the image. -mode-1 will work and default to the built in icon if none is specidfed. -window flags will be set correctly. Unshar this article and uudecode the file "uu.3b1tools". Good luck. ======================================================================== I also want to point out that the program "3b1tools" is Copy right (C) 1988 by Muhammad S. Benten. Commercial use is prohibited. ======================================================================== ============================================================================ || Muhammad S. Benten | || Elect. & Comp. Eng. Dept. | || University of Colorado, Boulder | || | || email ----> benten@boulder.Colorado.EDU | || or ..{ncar|nbires}!boulder!benten | ============================================================================ -----------------------Cut here here here ------------------------------ # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file". # # Wrapped by benten on Tue Sep 20 03:56:26 MDT 1988 # Contents: uu.3b1tools echo x - uu.3b1tools sed 's/^@//' > "uu.3b1tools" <<'@//E*O*F uu.3b1tools//' begin 755 3b1tools M 5( !",V*9$ < @\!"P 7S ! @ (%4 @ ( M"0 +G1E>'0 " @ %\P 0 ("YD M871A D ) 0( < $ N8G-S M )! @ "00( "!5 " +FQI8@ "85< M F%7 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M "\\ F%7$ZY #$ M %B/($]1CRZ8+T@ !$J89@#__"]( @CR P$ 1.N0 (#, O $ZY #$ ># \ M %.0$Y6_]PC[@ ( E^U"Z\ E^Z$AX5 $O.0 ) 5Y.N0 Q ,!03RZ\ D$ M"$AX5P$O.0 ) 5Y.N0 Q ,!03TJ 9QXNO ) HO/ P +A.N0 Q Z)83W ! 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Benten University Of Colorado Electrical & Computer Engineering Boulder, Co 80309 _U_s_a_g_e: 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss [-b] [-S] [-o] [-I <icon>] [-R] [-T] [-X nnn] [-Y nnn] [-H nnn] [-W nnn] [-x nnn] [-y nnn] [-h nnn] [-w nnn] [-n|-l <string>] [-1 <string>] [-2 <string>] [-p <string>] [-c <string>] [-f <hex>] [-l <string>] [-K <string>] [ <command> [ <arguments>]] _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss is a general purpose windowing program designed to utilize the capabilities of the Unix-pc. It is also a general purpose image and icon display tool. There are five modes of operation in 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss which can be specified by the options used to invoke 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss. mode-1: no command argument and no -b option In this mode, 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss will close the invoking window saving its contents and display an icon as specified by the -I option. It will display a default icon if no icon is specfied. If you click on the icon, the icon borders will appear. If you click again on the image of the icon these borders will disappear. If you click on the exit indicator of the icon border, the original window will be restored. Icons displayed using 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss can be scrolled up, down, left and right using the scroll indicators on the icon borders. The size of the icon can also be controlled by the user through the options -X and -Y. Note that the -S option must be specified if no other argument is given to 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss. Example: 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss -I girls _m_o_d_e-_2: no -b option but a command and its arguments are supplied In this mode, 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss will close the invoking window saving its contents and display an icon as specified by the -I option. It will display a default icon if no icon is specfied. If you click on the exit indicator of the icon border, the original window will be restored and if you click on the help indicator it will open a window and executes the command provided. Upon exiting the executing command, the window will be closed and the icon is displayed again. You can also start with an open window executing the command argument by specifying the -o option which will be iconified when the command terminates. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e: 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss 2222 ddddrrrraaaafffftttt 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss -I office ua _m_o_d_e-_3: no command argument and a -b option This is similar to mode-1, except that the original window is left intact and the icon is displayed in a new window. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e: 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss -b -I girls _m_o_d_e-_4: with a command argument and a -b option This is similar to mode-2, except that the original window is left intact and the icon and its execution window will occupy a new window. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e: 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss -b -I moon vi _m_o_d_e-_5: no arguments at all. In this mode, 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss will search for the file ./.3b1tool. If this file doesn't exist it searches for the file $HOME/3b1tool. If this file is not found 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss will terminate with an error message. In this mode, 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss expects the lines of either of these files to conain arguments for 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss that will be executed with the -b option. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e: _c_o_m_m_a_n_d: 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss The file .3b1tool contain: -I horse ls -l -I dog ua _o_p_t_i_o_n_s: -b dettach the new icon-window from the parent process. 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss will create a new window. -S This flag is usefull only if it is the only argument of 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss. It will expand the current window into full screen without executing commands from ~/.3b1tool or .3b1tool. -o This option will instruct 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss to start with an opened window. 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss will default to a closed window (iconified). 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss 3333 ddddrrrraaaafffftttt -I <icon> Use the file <icon> as the image file for the icon when the window is closed.a If <icon> is in a cbm (compact bitmap) format, height and width are taken from the file, if it isn't, they must be specified by the -H -W option. -R Reverse the bits in the displayed icon. -T Transpose the image of the icon. (not implemented). -X nnn Let the displayed width of the icon be nnn. -Y nnn Let the displayed height of the icon window be nnn. -W nnn Override the picture pixcell width to be nnn. -H nnn Override the picture pixcell height to be nnn. -w nnn Let the displayed width of the execution window be nnn. -h nnn Let the displayed height of the execution window window be nnn. -x nnn Position the icon and its execution window at x=nnn -y nnn Position the icon and its execution window at y=nnn -n|-l <string> Use <string> as the name of the window as displayed by the window manager. -1 <string> Use <string> as the string that will appear in the first line of the function keys lables. -2 <string> Use <string> as the string that will appear in the second line of the function keys lables. -K <string> Use <string> as the pattern for the function keys lables. An "r" in <string> means reverse vedio at that position. -c <string> 3333bbbb1111ttttoooooooollllssss 4444 ddddrrrraaaafffftttt Display <string> in the command line. -p <string> Display <string> in the prompt line. -f <hex> Use <hex> as the flag that control the shape of the execution window. command [<arguments>] Any unix command and its arguments that will be executed when the icon is opened. 9 9 @//E*O*F chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r exit 0