[comp.sys.att] 3B2 Compatible X-Windows Workstation

mlh@houxs.UUCP (M.HARRISON) (10/17/88)

As some you know, Microproject Corporation has been working
closely with AT&T for some time, developing VMEbus systems around
AT&T microprocessor products.  What follows is a press release from
them describing an extraordinarily high performance 3B2-compatible
graphics workstation.  I've posted it to these groups because of
high past interest in such posting,  Please use the "n" key if
you're not interested!

Microproject can supply more complete information to anyone who's
interested, call them at (213) 306-8000 or ...!uunet!mpusa!inquiry .

What follows is the press release from Microproject.

			Marc Harrison



     Microproject Corporation (Marina del Rey, CA) and Advanced
     Electronics Design Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA) today exhibited for
     the first time the result of a long joint development
     project - an extraordinarily high performance X-Windows
     workstation.  The system is VMEbus based, and incorporates
     the MP322 Single Board Computer and AED 1280V-GDS Graphics
     Display Processor.  Based upon the AT&T WE 32200 chipset
     and AT&T UNIX System V/VME, the system is 100% software
     compatible with the AT&T 3B2 family of computers, and offers
     users upwards of 8 MIPs of processing power.  In addition,
     the combination of the 24 MHz clock of the 32200 and AED's
     hardware implementation of X-Windows results in a system of
     unparalleled graphics throughput.  The high performance of
     the 1280V-GDS is a result of a powerful ASIC graphics
     processor.  For example, on the 1280x1024 screen, which can
     simultaneously display 256 out of a possible 16.7 million
     colors, one can draw and scroll text at a rate of 55,000
     characters per second.  It performs vector drawing at a rate
     of 375 nanoseconds/pixel and supports high speed BITBLT
     (block move) operations at 81 nanoseconds/pixel.  Also
     supported are individual pixel addressing, multiple Pixel
     Block Moves (BITBLT) with graphical logic operations, plus
     multiple font text strings.  Graphics primitives include:
     line, arc, circle, polygon and rectangle fill, with
     programmable line drawing (i.e. dot, dash, dot-dash) and
     user definable fonts and font sizes.

     Incorporating the X-Windows graphics standard, developed at
     MIT, a user is able to simultaneously execute and display
     the results of multiple programs, each in its own window or
     windows.  Windows may be added, deleted, re-sized, or moved
     in real time.  In addition to X-Windows, the popular
     Tektronix 41xx graphics standard is supported as well.  For
     text, up to 1536 font entries can be simultaneously
     resident, and operations are fully VT 100/200 compatible.
     Multiple dynamic windows, each driven by these different
     protocols, can be run concurrently.

     Microproject specializes in developing and producing high
     performance systems and board level products based on the
     VMEbus, an industry standard, technologically advanced bus
     structure.  The company's complete product family is
     designed from top down to incorporate many advanced systems
     features, including those necessary for high performance
     execution of the UNIX Operating System.  Microproject is
     licensed by AT&T as a Licensed Systems Integrator to develop
     and supply VMEbus systems based upon AT&T microprocessor


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