[comp.sys.att] Pascal Compiler for Unix-PC

tanya@adds.newyork.NCR.COM (Tanya Katz) (11/29/88)

	Does anyone know of a public domain pascal compiler
	for the UNIX-PC ??

	If not, is there one available that is not free?


|     A     DDDD   DDDD     SSS    | US MAIL: Tanya Katz                     |
|    A A    D   D  D   D   S       |          ADDS, Inc.                     |
|   A   A   D   D  D   D    SS     |          100 Marcus Blvd.               |
|   AAAAA   D   D  D   D      S    |          Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788          |
|   A   A   DDDD   DDDD    SSS     | UUCP   : ncrlnk!adds!tanya              |
|                                  |          tanya.katz@adds.newyork.NCR.COM|
|Applied Digital Data Systems, Inc.| PHONE  : (516) 231-5400 X430            |

hoffman@pitt.UUCP (Bob Hoffman) (12/02/88)

In article <1032@adds.newyork.NCR.COM> tanya@adds.newyork.NCR.COM (Tanya Katz) writes:
>	Does anyone know of a public domain pascal compiler
>	for the UNIX-PC ??
>	If not, is there one available that is not free?

Language Processors, Inc. (LPI) ported their LPI-Pascal to the Unix PC.
It is not free, of course.  I don't know if it is still available or
from whom.


Bob Hoffman, N3CVL       {allegra, bellcore, cadre, idis, psuvax1}!pitt!hoffman
Pitt Computer Science    hoffman@vax.cs.pittsburgh.edu

thad@cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) (12/04/88)

Re: Tanya Katz' question about Pascal for the 3B1/UNIXpc/AT&T-7300 ...

Though not public domain, LPI's Pascal and support tools are excellent
(I haven't used their Pascal, so please don't direct questions about it to

LPI provides "the" premier language and development tools for the UNIXpc.
Among their products are:


all of which share a common optimizer, code generator, run-time-library and
SOURCE level debugger.  Their products are also compatible with the standard
stuff that accompanies the UNIXpc development set.

Be forewarned that such quality, support and documentation is not "cheap".

Suggest you contact LPI directly for current pricing and availability:

     Language Processors, Inc.
     959 Concord Street
     Framingham, MA  01701-4613     617/626-0006  (FAX: 617/626-2221)

Thad Floryan [thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ...!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad]