[comp.sys.att] VDC750 and 6300 WGS incompatibilities?

wtm@neoucom.UUCP (Bill Mayhew) (01/01/89)


Have any of you out there experienced any problems with the VDC 750
EGA board and 475 monitor running in the new 6300 WGS computer?  We
have just received a few 6300 WGSs with the VDC 750 boards.  Most
of the mainline software such as Harvard Business Graphics,
Microsoft Quick Basic 4.0, etc. seem to work alright.

We experineced some minor bugs with a game called 1942 Battle Hawk
and one graphic paint program that comes with the microsoft mouse.
We are using the serial mouse that looks like a bar of Ivory soap
plugged into the COM1 port with the latest mouse driver that micro-
soft has (according to the microsoft guy on the phone).  The game
exhibits strange slow-downs whenever there are sound effects, but
doesn't crash.  The paint program crashes when trying to scroll the
image on the screen.

I don't really give a darn about the game personally, but our
computer manager uses it as a yardstick for so-called IBM
compatibility (thus affecting our ability to request AT&T machines
for purchase).  I suspect that microsoft may be using EGA harware
panning which is not supported on all EGA boards (including IBM
PS/2 VGA controllers).  It would not surprise me to discover mirco-
soft using an incompatible hardware access, having witnessed
Windows.  I haven't had the chance to disassemble their program

I'd be interested in hearing comments on the above topic that will
help allay possible fears of compatibility from our puchasing

This is what hardware is in the machine:

6300 WGS, normal config with 640K
720K floppy 3.50" (drive A)
360K floppy 5.25" (drive B)
30meg RLL seagate drive with Western Digital WX-1027 controller
VDC 750 controller with AT&T EGA color monitor

Contents of Config.sys:

Contents of Autoexec.bat:


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