[net.movies] movie name help, please - Leslie Caron movie

dave@utcsrgv.UUCP (Dave Sherman) (11/04/83)

My wife and I saw a rather charming movie on TV a long time ago,
and we were trying to remember the name recently but can't.

It features Maurice Chevalier (I think) and Leslie Caron (definitely).
No, it's NOT "Gigi". It takes place in a town in France on the
sea. Leslie Caron is in love with the young hero (???) who goes off
to sea, and she waits for him. Meanwhile, her father sets her up
to marry the local rich merchant (I can't remember whether Maurice
Chevalier is her father or the merchant), who wants to marry her
and have a son. He does, they do, and he realizes his dream of changing
his store sign from "H. Panisse" to "H. Panisse & Son". Oh, and her
mother (I think) is a fish-seller in the market by the sea.
The young man, of course, comes back, and LC is torn between the
two, and I can't remember how it ends.

Can someone enlighten me as to the name and any more detail about
the plot?


Dave Sherman