erict@flatline.UUCP (Lemmy Caution) (03/03/89)
I'm running the most recent release of kermit for the 3b1 (from the columbia fileserver, supports the OBM); and I was wondering if there's any way to get vt100 emulation out of it. I regularly transport code to and from a VAX that only supports kermit. Now, I kermit over a file, logout, dial back with the Telephone/F2 terminal program, make some changes, compile it, and so on. I'd love to be able to just log in with kermit and be done with it. I feel an RTFM flame attack coming my way, for some strange reason. :-) -- J. Eric Townsend | "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. This uunet!sugar!flatline!erict | is your brain on drugs with spam and toast." bellcore!texbell!/ 511 Parker #2 |EastEnders Mailing List: BITNET: cosc5fa@uhnix1.BITNET Houston,Tx,77007 |eastender@flatline.UUCP