[comp.sys.att] UnixPC memory Upgrade Info Wanted

rmorse@killer.Dallas.TX.US (Robert Morse) (03/26/89)

	I am tring to add 1 MEG of memory to my UnixPC.  A few weeks ago
a message was posted on how to upgrade a unixPC from 1 MEG to 2 MEG.  I have
revision C motherboard.  If no body knows of a way to upgrade I would sure
like to get in touch with someone who had the schematics for the UnixPC to
get a copy of the revision C mother board, (I would pay for the shipping and 
	Also does any one know of a SPICE program that runs on the UnixPC.
I find that I am in need of one and would like to get one.  If the source
was available, (in C, sence I do not a Fortran Compiler).  I do not have
access to a ftp site so if it were a large program I would send some disks
and some money for return postage, and trouble.  Or if possible call your 
system by UUCP one night.

	Please Email or Call me at 313-535-9408 (Voice)

	Thank you in advance.		Robert Morse