[comp.sys.att] ditroff on Unix.pc's?

ovdluhe@ethz.UUCP (Oskar von der Luehe) (03/28/89)

In article <705@jhereg.Jhereg.MN.ORG>
mark@jhereg.MN.ORG (Mark H. Colburn) writes:


>The key is to add a % before 8 bit values.  I found this out by digging
>through the source code for ditroff.  It was not in the manual anywhere,


Do I get this right? Is there ditroff source code for the Unix-PC?
Is this available somehow? And if so, from where?

BTW: is there any [di t n]roff - to - postscript converter around?

Please send me mail - I'll summarize for the net.


Oskar von der Luehe		UUCP:	"...!unido!cernvax!ethz!ovdluhe"
Institut fuer Astronomie	SPAN:	vdluhe@20641.span
ETH-Zentrum			DECNET:	20641::VDLUHE
CH-8092 Zuerich, Switzerland

kg@elan.UUCP (Ken Greer) (03/30/89)

From article <803@ethz.UUCP>, by ovdluhe@ethz.UUCP (Oskar von der Luehe):
> Is there ditroff source code for the Unix-PC?
> Is this available somehow? And if so, from where?

Ditroff source code is available from AT&T.  The source AT&T licenses
is not specific to any particular UNIX machine.  From our experience,
the port to the UNIX-PC did not present too many unique problems.
Ditroff in binary (cheaper and better!) is also available from a number
of ditroff vendors, of which we are one. I won't plug the others here ;-)

Ken Greer
Elan Computer Group, Inc.
888 Villa Street, 3rd Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041
Phone: 415-964-2200
FAX: 415-964-8588
UUCP: uunet!elan!kg