[comp.sys.att] Problem with unix-pc DOS-73 after a disk crash

johnc@sq.com (John Cumming) (05/19/89)

just posting this for a friend of mine, you can mail him at

------------------------- Here it comes --------------------------------
Hello unix-pc users.

I had a nasty disk crash? a couple of weeks ago and to my dismay I can no longer
access my DOS-73 Co-processor. To my even greater dismay I could not find
the DOS-73 driver diskette. So here is what information I have and I hope
that some one will be able to help me with my problem. Here is the background
preceded with what I'd like to know.

When I try to use the Co-processor I get a window popping up saying that the
device is possibly being used by another user. Is there a lock file around

Does some kind soul have one of these driver diskettes for sale should it
turn out that I need one? Or know where I could order one?

The background.

I had been just formatting a MSDOS diskette and came back to my desk to find:
#pid264: killed on swap error
panic: bflush: bad free list

At this point I could do nothing except hit the hardware reset switch.
The system came up as single-user due to a corrupted /etc/master file.

In the top of *my* /etc/master it now reads:
* The following devices are those that can be specified in the system
* description file.  The name specified must agree with the name shown.
pty     1037    000     004     pty     0       10
vid     1036    000     004     vid     0       9
ate     1100    000     000     ate     0       0
cmb     1100    000     000     cmb     0       0
dc73    1100    000     000     dc73    0       9
i8274   037     000     024     ser     0       0
con     037     000     204     con     0       1
disk    477     000     035     gd      0       4
plp     1133    000     005     lp      0       6
wind    1137    000     204     wd      0       7
phone   037     000     024     ph      0       8
lipc    1100    000     300     lipc    0       0
nipc    1100    000     300     lipc    0       0
fpa     1100    000     200     fpa     0       0


And /dev/dc73 reads:
crw-rw-rw-  1 root    root      9,  0 Nov 13  1988 /dev/dc73

I added the dc73 line to master after looking at /dev/dc73.
Can anyone tell me if I did this right? If anyone could look at theirs
for suggestions that would be great.

And finally I ran lddrv as follows:
lddrv -av dc73

allocated: 0x1000 bytes starting at 0x5b000 for device dc73, B:-1 C:-1 id:2

Finally when I bootup I don't get any "Failed to load drivers" messages.

Steve Hurrell