GOLDSTN@MAINE.BITNET (Michael E. Goldstein) (08/29/89)
I've got a 3b2/400 with 4megs and a single 72 meg drive running SystemV3.2. I'd like to put a 30meg CDC hard drive that I have kicking around (it came out of a 3b2/300) into the 3b2/400 as its second drive. The cables that currently are attached to the 72meg drive have an extra set of connectors on them that conveniently fit the 30 meg drive that I want to add. But if I attach the 30 meg drive to them and also attach a power connector to the 30 meg drive and reboot the machine it still doesn't recognize the 30 meg drive. Anyone have any knowledge about this (its obvious that mine is minscule) ? Michael Goldstein goldstn@maine.bitnet 207-764-0311 x302