[comp.sys.att] WANTED: ATT 7300 Unix PC

dean@image.soe.clarkson.edu (Dean Swan) (08/30/89)

As some of you know, I just acquired a Unix PC from a local university.
Unfortunately, the terms of my agreement with the people that I got it
from make it just a long term loan.  I like the machine a lot and am
interested in purchasing one.  Can anyone help?

I would prefer a machine with one meg of RAM, and V3.5 or greater of the
system software, but these are not critical points.

If you can help me locate a machine to purchase, I would appreciate an
e-mail reply.  Please include pricing information also.  What is the
going price for a used Unix PC?

Thanx much,
--Dean Swan

odysseas@umbc5.umbc.edu (Odysseas Pentakalos (RJE)) (09/12/89)

	I have  a 7300 for sale. It is brand new in the box with
	a meg of mem. one 20 meg hard disk, the internal modem,
	the mouse and the Unix software with the manuals. (fundamental
	set only). The price for the whole package is $690 since
	the thing is brand new.

 Odysseas Pentakalos					
 UMBC Computer Science 					5510 Knollview ct.
 & Engineering Researcher.				Baltimore, Md 21228