wtr@moss.ATT.COM (3673,ATTT) (10/13/89)
hi folks! need some advice/instruction on the use of 400K floppies in the 3b1. i backed up some software onto what i thought were properly formatted 400k floppies. the software was cpio'd and split into 750-block pieces. each piece was copied onto a seperate floppy. when i went to read the software back in, a "cp /mnt/* ." left me with a bunch of 640 block files! (not real conducsive to good backups :-( an "ll /mnt" indicated that there were 750 block files there. a "du /mnt" indicated that there were 750 block files there. a "df -t" indicated that there were 750 block files there. however,... a "wc -c /mnt/*" showed me that the files were only 640 blocks! (AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!) okay, so we have some formatting problems. (pretty obvious now, isn't it? 1/2 :-) the following is the line in my format script: ====== start ====== /etc/iv -i /dev/rfp020 /usr/lib/iv/FD10nl (and) /etc/mkfs /dev/rfp021 792:64 ====== end ====== and the FD10nl file looks like: ====== start ====== #sccs "@(#)iv/lib:FD10nl 1.1" # iv description file for 48 TPI Floppy file system disk. type FD name Floppy cylinders 40 heads 2 sectors 10 steprate 0 singledensity $ $ $ 0 1 $ $ ====== end ====== okay, so what am i doing wrong? thanks for the help, ===================================================================== Bill Rankin email address: att!moss!wtr was: Bell Labs, Whippany NJ att!bromo!wtr now: AT&T Federal Systems, Burlington NC (919) 228 3673 (cornet 291) -- ===================================================================== Bill Rankin email address: att!moss!wtr was: Bell Labs, Whippany NJ att!bromo!wtr now: AT&T Federal Systems, Burlington NC (919) 228 3673 (cornet 291)