[comp.sys.att] WANTED:more swap space on a 3b1

rjk@sawmill.uucp (Richard Kuhns) (10/23/89)

Can anyone offer a way to request more swap space when reformatting
the hard disk on a 3b1?  I would really like more than 5000 blocks.
What I'd really like to hear is ``Sure -- I've got a copy of s4diag
that asks how many blocks you'd like to allocate for swapping.''
If I'm dreaming, I'd settle for the location of the hard-coded
4000/5000 and I'll try patching in new values manually.  Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

What I'd like to do is compile using gcc with optimization from
GNUemacs -- this has a tendency to use all swap space fairly quickly
resulting in `Out of virtual memory' messages which *don't* appear
when emacs isn't running.

Once again, thanks (in advance).

Rich Kuhns

ostroff@rocky.oswego.edu (Boyd Ostroff) (10/25/89)

In article <RJK.89Oct23110425@sawmill.uucp> rjk@sawmill.uucp (Richard Kuhns) writes:
>Can anyone offer a way to request more swap space when reformatting
>the hard disk on a 3b1?  I would really like more than 5000 blocks.

Look at the man pages for iv.  You can format your disk using the
diagnostics first, then rn iv to modify the partition table.  This
will let you specify whatever size swap (and any other partitions for
additional filesystems) that you want.

Don't have my manuals here at work, but I did this with my machine at
home and it worked fine.  Send me mail if you need details...

Boyd Ostroff, Technical Director ||||||| System Administrator, "The CallBoard"
Theatre Department, SUNY Oswego  ||||||| Serving the performing arts since 1986
        (315) 341-2987           ||||||| (315) 947-6414  300/1200/2400 baud 8N1
ostroff@oswego.Oswego.EDU     ...!rutgers!rochester!kodak!gizzmo!cboard!ostroff 

lenny@icus.islp.ny.us (Lenny Tropiano) (10/26/89)

In article <RJK.89Oct23110425@sawmill.uucp> rjk@sawmill.uucp (Richard Kuhns) 
|>Can anyone offer a way to request more swap space when reformatting
|>the hard disk on a 3b1?  I would really like more than 5000 blocks.
|>What I'd really like to hear is ``Sure -- I've got a copy of s4diag
|>that asks how many blocks you'd like to allocate for swapping.''
|>If I'm dreaming, I'd settle for the location of the hard-coded
|>4000/5000 and I'll try patching in new values manually.  Any help
|>would be greatly appreciated.
"Sure -- I've got a copy of s4diag that ask how many blocks you'd like
to allocate for swapping" :-) :-)  And so you YOU!  All the versions
of the diagnostic disk allow you to enter the swap size when formatting
is invoked from the EXPERT MODE!

Boot diagnostics floppy:
At the choices prompt type:


expert> 6,2<CR>   -or-  2<CR>

Enter in the drive type

Enter Swap space size in logical blocks?( Default is XXXXX )  <enter the size>

Note the blocks are 1024 byte logical blocks (ie. 5000 = 5MB)

| Lenny Tropiano            ICUS Software Systems      [w] +1 (516) 589-7930 |
| lenny@icus.islp.ny.us     Telex; 154232428 ICUS      [h] +1 (516) 968-8576 |
| {ames,pacbell,decuac,hombre,sbcs,attctc}!icus!lenny     attmail!icus!lenny |
+------- ICUS Software Systems -- PO Box 1;  Islip Terrace, NY  11752 -------+