[comp.sys.att] Netnews for 3B2??

root@dynasys.UUCP (Super user) (11/14/89)

I have a system that would like to connect to the net but does not have the
time to compile the netnews software (I actually have two sites).  Is there
anyone out there that would be willing to send it to me for the 3b2 for a
small fee?  If so, please let me know.  Does AT+T have it compiled already
for the 3B2?  Thanx in advance.

Jesse W. Asher - Dynasys - (901)382-1705       Internet: root@dynasys.UU.NET 
6196-1 Macon Rd., Suite 200, Memphis, TN 38134     UUCP: uunet!dynasys!root 

lyndon@cs.AthabascaU.CA (Lyndon Nerenberg) (11/20/89)

In article <17@dynasys.UUCP> root@dynasys.UUCP (Super user) writes:
>I have a system that would like to connect to the net but does not have the
>time to compile the netnews software [ ... ]

Um, if you don't have 15 minutes to compile news, where are you
going to find time to READ news?!? Or administer it for that matter ...

The compile is the *easy* part. You still have to do all the site
specific stuff like build mailpaths, set up the sys file, and generate
an *up* *to* *date* active file (always fun :-) which takes a lot longer
than compiling the software.

Lyndon Nerenberg  VE6BBM / Computing Services / Athabasca University
  {alberta,decwrl,lsuc}!atha!lyndon || lyndon@cs.AthabascaU.CA

                  The Connector is the Notwork.