(ACP Network) (01/19/90)
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my questions about our uucp software locking up. The problem has been solved. It seems that we recently changed from the remote computers calling ukma to ukma calling the remote computers. Each of the systems has a cron entry to reset the modem (via killing the uugetty, which drops DTR, which makes the modem reset). This event USED to be well clear of any modem activity, but it didn't get moved when we changed the uucp procedure. Guess which site was usually transferring news when the reset occurred ...:-) (Yes, I'm pretty sheepish about it, heck I've looked at that cron file...) Once again, thanks everyone. I did get some pointers about making the modem configurations more robust; I'll be looking into our setup. Kenneth Herron -- University of Kentucky ACP Network Consultant ukma!acp Dept. of Mathematics, room 715 POT (606) 257-2975 Lexington, KY 40506