[comp.sys.att] TCP/IP Version 3.0.1 on a 3B2 310

isusecn@prism.gatech.EDU (chris newton) (03/23/90)

I have recently received the latest version of TCP/IP for the 3B2 (WIN version
3.0.1).  After installing it, I have the following problem:

My system will boot up and stay that way for 30 seconds to 1 minute then
the following message appears:

   proc=401D2814   psw=2DA12B


This only happens AFTER I install TCP/IP and not before.  So far the 
exact same problem has happened on 2 3B2's.  I have tried changing
NI Cards, reinstalling software, reformatting hard drives and "retrying"
everything--but to no avail.

Has anyone out there had a similar experience when installing this new version?
My Error Manual for the 3B2 offers no helpful advice, it only says that I 
should run "sysdump" and everything will be all right--but this does not
work either.  I would appreciate ANY and ALL help/suggestions/advice that
anyone can give, because I have just about given up.

Chris Newton
Christopher A. Newton, Teaching Assistant, School of ICS
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!gt3985b
ARPA: isusecn@prism.gatech.edu

geoff@edm.uucp (Geoff Coleman) (03/23/90)

From article <7373@hydra.gatech.EDU>, by isusecn@prism.gatech.EDU (chris newton):
-> I have recently received the latest version of TCP/IP for the 3B2 (WIN version
-> 3.0.1).  After installing it, I have the following problem:
-> My system will boot up and stay that way for 30 seconds to 1 minute then
-> the following message appears:
->    proc=401D2814   psw=2DA12B
->    pc=4001BB96
-> This only happens AFTER I install TCP/IP and not before.  So far the 
-> exact same problem has happened on 2 3B2's.  I have tried changing
-> NI Cards, reinstalling software, reformatting hard drives and "retrying"
-> everything--but to no avail.

	You didn't mention what other cards you had in your machine but
one thing you should do is make sure that the NI card is in the last bus
slot used. There is a known problem with the NI cards that they like to 
steal interupts and I recall this is one of the signs.

Hope this helps
Geoff Coleman

wmb@ulysses.att.com (W M Brelsford) (03/24/90)

In article <7373@hydra.gatech.EDU>, isusecn@prism.gatech.EDU (chris newton) writes:
> I have recently received the latest version of TCP/IP for the 3B2 (WIN version
> 3.0.1).  After installing it, I have the following problem:
> My system will boot up and stay that way for 30 seconds to 1 minute then
> the following message appears:
>    proc=401D2814   psw=2DA12B
>    pc=4001BB96

We've been running an older version (2.0.5 I think) on a 310 --
when a connection to a machine that is down is attempted, it
crashes with the F_ACCESS message after about 45 seconds.  So we
have to comment out /etc/hosts entries for such machines.

We're getting ready to upgrade, and were hoping the problem
would then go away..

Bill Brelsford
AT&T, Basking Ridge
Internet: wmb@joplin.att.com
Bitnet:   wmb%joplin@att.arpa
Uucp:     att!joplin!wmb

Sm@bhpese.oz.au (Scott Merrilees) (03/27/90)

isusecn@prism.gatech.EDU (chris newton) writes:

>My system will boot up and stay that way for 30 seconds to 1 minute then
>the following message appears:

I just had this problem today when installing a new disc into a 3b2/310.
We had a basic system up, installed win tcp/ip (version 1.0, unfortunately),
& started extracting the system backup over the network from the
machine where we backed it up to.  I ran out of space on root during
the restore, near the end.  This was then restoring /boot & /dgn.

When I did a rebuild of /unix, booted & tried to start tcp/ip, I got
the same PANIC message as above.  I did the tcp/ip startup manually
command by command & caused the crash with ifconfig.  I tried doing
another rebuild, swapping the ni board between slots 1 & 4.  I noticed
that the checksum of /boot/NET was incorrect, & so copied over a new
version.  Still didn't work.  Checked & copied a few other files from
/boot, still nogo.  I did a reinstall of tcp/ip, a rebuild & it
worked.  I think some/one of the files necessary for tcp/ip or the
tcp/ip interface was corrupted when I ran out of space restoring &
the reinstall fixed it.

So, my suggestion is to check out the kernel object modules in /boot,
and anything else relevant to tcp/ip.  Maybe you should do a manual
startup as I did, waiting 5 minutes between each command?

Scott Merrilees, BHP Rod & Bar Products Division, Newcastle, Australia
INTERNET: Sm@bhpese.oz.au      UUCP: ...!uunet!bhpese.oz!Sm