jessea@dynasys.UUCP (Jesse W. Asher) (04/12/90)
I've been trying to get things to print under Simultask for the past three months or so, but I just can't seem to find the answer. When I attempt to print something, it either prints very jumbled or it doesn't print at all. Two examples: I'm running Word Perfect from the D: psuedo drive. When I try to print, drain.out deletes the document before it can print. I've tried to print out things using Formtool. When I attempt to do so, it looks like it tried to print the entire document in five lines. It looks amusing, but I'm far past being amused. Can someone give me some tips or hints on this? I'm tired of not being able to print. Two more things - I can print just fine under unix using lp AND I seem to be able to print out things using the dos command print while in Simultask. Anybody have any ideas? signed, no longer of whole mind. -- Jesse W. Asher - Dynasys - (901)382-1705 Evening: (901)382-1609 6196-1 Macon Rd., Suite 200, Memphis, TN 38134 UUCP: {fedeva,chromc,autoz}!dynasys!jessea