[comp.sys.att] full vidpal kits to be available again

botton@i88.isc.com (Brian D. Botton) (04/12/90)

Hi Everyone,
  As you all know, I stopped providing full vidpal kits some time ago.
Mainly because I was having a hard time getting parts and was spending
too much time re-ordering those parts.  Well, I just found a new source
of parts today that should solve the problem.  So I am now taking orders
for full kits again!  The cost of the kit is a modest $25.  Furthermore,
because it is a pain to order small quantities of parts, I will no longer
be selling the partial kit.
  To help out those people with partial kits that haven't purchased the
additional parts, I will provide the parts for the difference, i.e., $15.
  The half dozen or so orders that have been sent to me in the last month
will be shipped as full kits.  If you want to send a check now, its fine
with me, otherwise I will include a bill for the rest of the kit(s).
I should be shipping the middle of next week, when the parts are delivered.
  I know there are quite a few people who ordered partial kits and that
it was very inconvenient for you to get the rest of the parts.  I am
truly sorry you had to go through the trouble.  With my new supplier, this
shouldn't happen again.


	full vidpal kit		$25
	2nd half of vidpal	$15
	partial vidpal kit	$1000 ;-)
	P5.1			$6
	ext. diag. disk		$1 with any kit order, $2 alone

	Send mailing label and check in US funds to:

		Brian D. Botton
		1748 Paddington Ave.
		Naperville, IL. 60563-2028

     ...     ___	     ***
   _][_n_n___i_i ________  *******		Brian D. Botton
  (____________I_I______I_I_______I		laidbak!botton  or
  /ooOOOO OOOOoo  oo oooo  oo   oo		laidbak!bilbo!brian