[comp.sys.att] Obscure Vi bug?

james@dlss2.UUCP (James Cummings) (07/20/90)

	Yes, this appears to be a bug in vi.  I get the same results,
now that I understand the problem. 

	If a set report=1 is done there is not even a notification that
any line has been changed.

		System V r 3.2.1
		AT&T 3B2/700

		Output from "what" for vi:
   	   printf.c:2.2 6/5/79
	   /usr/bin/vi.sl 1.31 3.2 01/06/88 16362 AT&T-SF

|Disclaimer:                      | James Cummings                           |
|  You can't blame me!            |   UUCP:                                  |
|  I'm ignorant!                  |    ..swblat!{texbell!texnet..            |
|+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+|              swgate!dlss1..}!dlss2!james |
|Send flames to:                  |   NET:                                   |
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