[net.movies] The infamous Karate movie

armstron@sjuvax.UUCP (armstrong) (02/19/84)

	Now come on.  There's no use trying to deny it.  At one time or
another you sat through one martial arts film or another, and despite the
comments you felt obliged to make about just how phony the fighting was,
you kind of liked it anyway.  So then here's my question to you: if you,
(like me) really enjoy these type of flicks, what was your favorite.
Here are my top three.  (I have unfortunately not seen "Enter The Ninja"
yet...my video rental store is always out of it when I try to rent it)

1.  Enter the Dragon.  Yes, maybe it is a bit conformist, but let's face it,
                       this is one movie that was pretty darn good.
2.  The Game of Death.  Even though many of "Bruce Lee's" seens were done
                        by anyone but Bruce Lee, there was still a distinct
                        quality and style to this film and it's fighting.
                        And the final fight seen between the REAL Bruce and
                        the Doctor's gaurd's was TERRIFIC!  Not to mention
                        Kareem Abdhul Jabar's (sp?) "slam dunk" of the man
                        running up the steps in the flashback.
3.  The Challenge.  I was really surprised by this one.  Before I saw this one,
                    some friends and I (we used to like to see just how much 
                    people would believe) used to tell people this was a cult
                    film that was actually two hour's full of Pepsi Challenge
                    commercials. (People through Coke at the screen (ala Rocky
                    Horror... No one would be seated during the crucial 
                    R.C. cola seen... etc.) None-the-less, it was pretty good.

Actually, I'm pretty luck.  Every Saturday a local station here in Philadelphia
put on what they call Black Belt Theater, and another local puts on 
Action Theater.  Both show martial arts films (some of which are really *bad*)

I'd really like to here your favorites... I'm only a uupath away!

					Len Armstrong
					St. Joseph's University

jdb@qubix.UUCP (Jeff Bulf) (02/22/84)

    A friend with a black belt ("shodan") in Shotokan Karate told me
"There are no good movies featuring karate, but there is some goog karate in
movies." He cited Bruce Lee as an example.

    When I practiced Shotokan, the only movie the instructor ever let the class
out early for was "The Seven Samurai". The reason was the sense of values,
rather than the techniques of fighting.

	Dr Memory

oz@rlgvax.UUCP (THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ) (02/27/84)

I will only confess to enjoying one karate movie: "Kill and Kill again."

I was particularly amused by the fact, that up until the end of the movie
noboby died, and even at the end, once the person was dead, they had to
decency to stay dead, thus no one had to kill them again.

This movie also wins the award for the longest jump scene culminating in
NOTHING.  It is a GREAT Grade B movie for those of us that ENJOY Grade B
movies (ah Remington Steele, where are you?)
