andersom@boulder.Colorado.EDU (ANDERSON MARC O) (08/21/90)
Mucho thanks to all who replied to my 3b1 questions.... heh.. Here are some more... [1] - I have... What I believe to be, a '7300'... (the casing looks kinda like it's in a 'wedged' shape...). Form what I understand, the '3b1' is the same motherboard, same machine, in a different case.... Does the 3b1 allow you to use full-height drives? Would it be difficult to transfer my motherboard into a 3b1 case? Anyone wanna sell a 3b1 case? [2] - Next... Everyone mentions they have the "3.51m" software release... I understand that you get these "upgrades" through "fixdisks".... Where do you get these fixdisks??? [3] - Regarding memory... A few of you boast 4 megs of RAM... How is this done? Is there a fixed limit on the 3b1 which says "4 megs is the max" or can you go higher? I already have my .5 meg ram extension card installed giving me a total of 1 meg... Someone mentioned that I can swap ram chips to increase my ram capacity... Do I need to do anything special in software for this? (And could I do this on both the motherboard and the extension/expansion board?).... thanks again... Marc