[comp.sys.att] SC for the 3b1

harter@ficc.ferranti.com (ron harter) (09/05/90)

I recently obtained a copy of sc from a friend of mine and tried to install
it on my 3b1. I have been hacking on it for about a week now.

Does anyone out there have a copy they have already installed on a 3b1
that they can send?

Please e-mail replys to rdh@nuke.conmicro.cm

Thanks in advance

Ron Harter

lenny@icus.ICUS.COM (Lenny Tropiano) (09/06/90)

In article <PCO5Y06@xds7.ferranti.com> harter@ficc.ferranti.com (ron harter) 
|>I recently obtained a copy of sc from a friend of mine and tried to install
|>it on my 3b1. I have been hacking on it for about a week now.
|>Does anyone out there have a copy they have already installed on a 3b1
|>that they can send?

The source and the binary to the newly posted sc6.8 spreadsheet calculator
(that appeared in comp.sources.unix) is now archived on Ohio State University's
att7300 archives.  See sc6.8-bin.Z and sc6.8.cpio.Z for more information in

| Lenny Tropiano           ICUS Software Systems        lenny@icus.ICUS.COM |
| {ames,pacbell,decuac,sbcs,hombre,rayssd}!icus!lenny   attmail!icus!lenny  |
+------ ICUS Software Systems --  PO Box 1;  Islip Terrace, NY  11752 ------+