[comp.sys.att] UnixPC

robert@pttesac.UUCP (11/19/87)

Does anybody out there know if any more 3B1s are available.  I need about

I need the 67MB 3B1, I can't use the 20MB or 40MB config.

Please post, or call me at (213) 604-5175.

Thanks in advance.

Robert Rodriguez

davidson@intvax.UUCP (William M. Davidson) (04/01/89)

There used to be a company in Florida called Amperfax that specialized in
service and parts for 7300s and unixpcs.  I tried to call them at the last
number I had known but it is no longer good.

Does anyone know where they are now located and what is their new number is or
did they go out of business?

Forking is Fun!
William [i aM not a dweeb] Davidson 
Sandia National Laboratories (505) 846-1868

marsella@athos.rutgers.edu (Stacy Marsella) (09/15/89)

I am posting this for a friend.  Please contact him for
any details. His email address is:


He can be reached at (201) 932-2911, ask for David.


UnixPC (7300/3b1) equipment for sale.

        Quantity        Description                     Price each

           2            512K Memory Boards              $150

           2            Keyboard with mouse             $ 30

           1            AT&T 7300 Power Supply          $150

           1            Monitor with full-ht case top   $ 25*

           1            Monitor with 7300 case top      $ 25*

           Also available: Misc chassis hardware, non-functioning
                           motherboard w/512K, Teac FD-55 floppy
                           drive, etc., etc.

*Purchaser pays shipping charges collect


canoaf@ntvax.uucp (Augustine Cano) (01/09/90)

I am posting this for a friend without net access.  Please respond to me at
the address below.

FOR SALE: Unix PC in working condition except that my friend took out the
HD to use in his AT.  Asking $150.00 or best offer.

Please respond to:

Augustine Cano		canoaf@dept.csci.unt.edu

jpb@umbio.miami.edu (Joe Block) (01/10/90)

In article <1990Jan8.195951.16155@ntvax.uucp>, canoaf@ntvax.uucp (Augustine Cano) writes:
> FOR SALE: Unix PC in working condition except that my friend took out the
> HD to use in his AT.  Asking $150.00 or best offer.
I am interested.  Please have your friend check on the shipping cost to Miami
Fl, and then call me at 305-251-6843 (until 9:00 AM EST Tues & Thurs, and until
11:30 AM EST other days, including weekends) with the price.


Joe Block

Joe Block

There was a young poet named Dan,

esmith@goofy.apple.com (Eric Smith) (09/24/90)

I have a fully functional AT&T 7300 UnixPC for sale.  It has 512K of
RAM, a 20M disk, the 3.0 foundation set, and owner's manuals.  The 3.51
foundation set and Fixdisk 2 are installed on the hard disk.  The logic
board has the P5.1 mod, but not the PAL for it.  Asking $500 OBO.

This unit was previously used successfully with the P5.1 PAL and a
WD2010 disk controller, which allow the use of ST-506/412 type drives
with more that 8 heads and 1024 cylinders (such as the Maxtor XT-2190).
I could include these (but not the Maxtor (-: ) at an additional cost
of $5 and $15, respectively.

For additional funds (make offer) I could provide a 2M RAM logic board
instead, or provide the chips, sockets, and instructions  to allow an
adventurous person to upgrade the 512K logic board to 2M.  I was going
to upgrade it myself, but never found the time.

I also could sell a Hitachi 40M drive from a 3B1, and a 3B1 case top and
monitor, but I don't have the 3B1 power supply.

Eric L. Smith      Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those
esmith@apple.com   of my employer, friends, family, computer, or even me!  :-)