(Augustine Cano) (10/06/90)
Now that I'm getting a respectable amount of news, my 75 Mb HD has become woefully inadequate. It's gotten to the point that I have to backup and delete stuff to make space for news. Even though I really can't afford it, I don't have much choice. I need a BIG HD. I have found a place that has factory refurbished 190 Mb drives (the biggest usable with the > 8 heads mod and the WD2010) for a very reasonable price and a 90 day warranty. If I buy 5 or more, I can take $100 off each drive. If you're interested in getting in on this group buy, write back to get all the details. For those of you waiting for John's HD2 board, this is your chance to use it to its full potential as soon as you get it... -- Augustine Cano INTERNET: UUCP: ...!{ernest,tsci,egsner}!shibaya!afc