jack@rml.UUCP (jack hagerty) (12/11/90)
Another consultant that I work with recently upgraded his version of Ventura Publisher and let me have his old one (version 1.1) for a song. I'm attempting to run it on my 6300 PLUS which is running System V.2R2 and SimulTask. Ventura, of course, would run under SimulTask. The program installed fine without a single hiccup, not even during the phase that takes 20 minutes to expand the printer drivers. When trying to crank it up, however, it grinds around for 10 seconds or so then crashes with a "pcisvr ERROR: DOS halted" message. Real helpful, huh? I've seen this message before when my word processor (WordStar 2000) or CAD system (drafix) tried to execute some function SimulTask didn't like, but it's quite a rarity. I have no idea what it means, however. The only thing not quite kosher with the installation is that I don't have a laser printer (yet) and Ventura requires that you pick one so that it knows which drivers to load. Still, I would thing that this would cause a program error when you tried to print something, not a system error on startup. Any ideas? - Jack P.S. I did not try to run it under straight DOS because last month I reformatted my disk to remove the DOS partition (in three years I hadn't had a need for it and I needed the merged space). As soon as you throw something away...