(Paul Herzog) (12/21/90)
Once again looking for information on the AT&T BACS (Business Accounting System) for the 3B1. I have all four modules of BACS (GL, AR, AP, OI) and their documentation. However, since I had to gather all the pieces from various locations throughout our department, I've been unable to locate two critical pieces of documentation; BACS Quick Reference Guide Installation and Administration Guide The Reference Guide is supposed to contain information such as; how to use the keyboard, how to enter various kinds of data, print reports, clear locked files, etc. etc. This turns out to be critical information that is neither "intuitively obvious" nor "an exercise that can be easily worked out by the reader". Can anyone be of assistance, please. Unfortunately, none of the other documents contain a list of order numbers or anything of that nature. ---------------- Paul Herzog VOICE : 314-235-8025 One Bell Center RM 30F7 UUCP : uunet!swbatl!swpyr2!ampah Southwestern Bell INTERNET: St. Louis, MO 63050 -- ---------------- Paul Herzog VOICE : 314-235-8025 One Bell Center RM 30F7 UUCP : uunet!swbatl!swpyr2!ampah Southwestern Bell INTERNET: