(Charlie Lear) (01/30/91)
More info needed for my 3B2/400... I need a SCSI host adapter to enable me to add SCSI disks. Can anyone tell me where to buy one and how much it would cost? AT&T part numbers and availability? Does the 3B2 SCSI h.a. allow any SCSI disk to be used, or just a subset? Can you run SCSI disks in conjunction with the two MFM disks controlled by the on-board controller, or does it have to replace the MFM disks? Current planning is to have a PC clone case and power supply sitting on top of the 3B2 with the SCSI disks inside it, connected via shielded ribbon to the host adapter in the 3B2. Feasible? Anyone done it before? Also info on prices and availability of eports cards, both 4 and 8 port, is desirable... Regards Charlie Robb: I can't email to your uucp bang path, it gets bounced as my smarthost doesn't support!bang!paths. Do you have a proper domain@address???? -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charlie "The Bear" Lear | | Kawasaki Z750GT DoD#0221 The Cave MegaBBS +64 4 643429 V32 | PO Box 2009, Wellington, New Zealand -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (andrew.d.hay) (01/31/91)
In article <> (Charlie Lear) writes:
"More info needed for my 3B2/400...
"I need a SCSI host adapter to enable me to add SCSI disks. Can anyone tell
"me where to buy one and how much it would cost? AT&T part numbers and
dunno how you'd get ahold of your local at&t account rep; i believe
arrow/kierulff also deals in 3b2 stuff here in the u.s.
the part # for the scsi h/a is 73263, list price $1500.
"Does the 3B2 SCSI h.a. allow any SCSI disk to be used, or just a subset?
it does allow any disk, but you have to work at it to add one that
at&t doesn't supply. you'll save big money, though. i'm going
through it now with a pair of imprimis/seagate st2502n drives...
"Can you run SCSI disks in conjunction with the two MFM disks controlled by
"the on-board controller, or does it have to replace the MFM disks?
dunno; don't see why not, though.
do you need really massive disk space? if not, you should consider
replacing the mfm disks. maxtor 1140s will work, giving 120M/drive
(some people claim they format reliably beyond 918 tracks, giving
135M/drive), and there's at least 1 company selling maxtor 1290 class
drives, preformatted to 170M/drive.
"Current planning is to have a PC clone case and power supply sitting on top
"of the 3B2 with the SCSI disks inside it, connected via shielded ribbon to
"the host adapter in the 3B2. Feasible? Anyone done it before?
you can get away with a lot, especially for a short distance. i don't
see why it wouldn't work. you might want to consider shielded
twisted-pair ("spectra-strip") ribbon, though.
"Also info on prices and availability of eports cards, both 4 and 8 port,
"is desirable...
card part # list $
i/o expansion (ports) 73202 660
eports 73271 1320
"Robb: I can't email to your uucp bang path, it gets bounced as my smarthost
"doesn't support!bang!paths. Do you have a proper domain@address????
"Charlie "The Bear" Lear | | Kawasaki Z750GT DoD#0221
"The Cave MegaBBS +64 4 643429 V32 | PO Box 2009, Wellington, New Zealand
Andrew Hay +------------------------------------------------------+
Ragged Individualist | You just have _N_O idea! It's the difference |
AT&T-BL Ward Hill MA | between _S_H_O_O_T_I_N_G a bullet and _T_H_R_O_W_I_N_G it! | +------------------------------------------------------+