[comp.sys.att] AT&T Marketing

paul@unhtel.unh.edu (Paul S. Sawyer) (03/27/91)

In article <1991Mar25.145032.4571@mccc.edu> pjh@mccc.edu (Pete Holsberg) writes:
>In article <1778@umvlsi.ecs.umass.edu> acarlson@laurel.math.umass.edu (Adam Carlson) writes:
>=                                            ...  The nice people at
>=ATT told me that I needed a program called simultask, but wouldn't
>					               ^^^^^^^^^^^^
>=send me any information about it.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>You must have spoken with an idiot!  *They* are the only ones who
>*sell* Simultask!

Simply a part of the overall marketing plan which has positioned them where
they are today.    B-)
Paul S. Sawyer             {uunet,attmail}!unhtel!paul    paul@unhtel.unh.edu
UNH CIS - - Telecommunications and Network Services      VOX: +1 603 862 3262
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