[comp.sys.att] POP mail for 3B2 available

dhoyman@fammed.wisc.edu (Dirk Herr-Hoyman) (05/07/91)

I have successfully ported a POP mail server to the 3B2 and will now make it
available via anonymous ftp at sparky.fammed.wisc.edu (  If you
have the WIN/TCP package on your 3B2, this should work.

All the files in the /pub directory are needed to run POP.  Here is a directory
of them:

-rw-r--r--  1 dhoyman  staff      431565 Apr  8 15:49 bind.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 dhoyman  staff       52590 Apr  8 14:48 inetd.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 dhoyman  staff        8031 Apr  8 09:33 libbsd.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 dhoyman  staff       58535 Apr  8 14:53 popper-1.7.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 dhoyman  staff        1382 Apr  8 15:49 readme.3b2
-rw-r--r--  1 dhoyman  staff      165277 Apr  8 14:47 syslog.tar.Z

In order to run POP you need to have a few other BSD network features. The
readme.3b2 has details.

All of this software originated at UC-Berkeley.  Andy Polling at Johns Hopkins
ported it to a 3B1 (he did the hard part) and I ported it to the 3B2. 
Popper-1.7.tar.Z (POP itself) is the unmodified source from lilac.berkeley.edu.
 You will need to make some minor adjustments to the Makefile to build it. 
There is a known bug in popper 1.7 that may cause you to lose your mailbox if
the connection is lost during transmission.  If you donot use the -DDEBUG
compile option, this is not a problem.  There is a beta 1.8 that fixes this at

As a side benefit, you will get more TCP/IP services than are in WIN/TCP.  In
particular, there is a BIND name server.  I have built this, but haven't put it
into production on our system.

Dirk Herr-Hoyman
University of Wisconsin-Dept. of Family Medicine