[comp.sys.att] SysVr4, Simultask, IPC802 and 605 terminal problem.

les@chinet.chi.il.us (Leslie Mikesell) (06/15/91)

We just upgraded a machine to AT&T sysVr4 with Simultask and a
605 terminal connected through an IPC802 ports board no longer
works when Simultask puts it in scan-code mode.  No keyboard
input is accepted at all after going to dos.  The hotline
says it should work.  Has anyone seen a similar problem?  If you
set the terminal type to vt100 (a non-scancode type) the keyboard
works, but of course you don't get the PC keyboard emulation.
With SysVr3.2 and Simultask 2.0, it worked fine.

Les Mikesell

les@chinet.chi.il.us (Leslie Mikesell) (06/19/91)

In article <1991Jun15.032300.6467@chinet.chi.il.us> les@chinet.chi.il.us (Leslie Mikesell) writes:
>We just upgraded a machine to AT&T sysVr4 with Simultask and a
>605 terminal connected through an IPC802 ports board no longer
>works when Simultask puts it in scan-code mode.  No keyboard
>input is accepted at all after going to dos.  The hotline
>says it should work. 

Never mind... The AT&T support people now agree that it doesn't work.
Also, you can't run Simultask at all through a network login.
I'm sure they'll be happy to sell us the next release when it comes
out so we can try it to find out if the bugs are still there...

Calling the terminal a 615 turns off the attempt to use scancode mode
and comes close enough on the emulation to run some things.

Les Mikesell