[comp.sys.apple] II+, RGB, Videx, HELP

wb8foz@ncoast.UUCP (David Lesher) (01/07/87)

Hello applenetters,
I  have been drafted into helping my brother in law
get a color monitor for their II+. The problem is
they also wish to keep sharp enough text to use
their Videx 80 column board.
I can find only 2 RBG boards that ever fit into
a non-aux slot (al-la IIE) and the Video7   is not
made anymore. Neither will work with  the videx board.
Short of keeping 2 monitors, one for text, one for
color graphics, what can they do?
Please EMAIL, as I do not read this group.
Thank you.



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	NRO Mossad intercept igniters plutonium Ollie North Tehran