[comp.sys.apple] A trivial bit of info on Frogdesign


	And in addition to that info from Richard Ewing, (if I recall
properly when the //c first came out) I remember reading that Apple
chose Frogdesign to create the //c case because of their unique,
"ergonomic yet stylish" quality of design.

	Case in point that jarred some old memory cells : Frogdesign
also designed the case for Sony's Walkman II.  Does anyone remember this
old model?  I'm sure some folks out there still have one.  It's kinda
interesting to note the way the //c's slanted Leds and buttons across
the top are reflected in the slanted positioning of the Play, Stop etc..
buttons on the Walkman.  Nevertheless, the //c styling definately placed
it apart from the "functional" looking //e.

Cliff Yamamoto

Arpa : Cyamamot%Gumby%Usc-Ecl.Arpa

 -- As usual, these are my personal opinions and if anyone disagrees, well --
 -- flame back!! It's a free country... most of the time                   --