[comp.sys.apple] apple //c and kermit

jeff@asci.UUCP (04/13/87)

I have an apple //c and I need to know something about how
it works with kermit.  Which com card does an apple //c think
it has (apple com, super serial, etc.)?  I would appreciate
hearing from anyone who has an apple //c and uses kermit so that
I can install kermit on my //c.  Thanks in advance.

"Nothing bad ever happens to me."  Oingo Boingo

UUCP:    {akgua,ihnp4,mirror,psivax,sdcrdcf}!otto!jimi!asci!jeff

ranger@ecsvax.UUCP (04/16/87)

Use the Microtek driver with Kermit on the //c.  It emulates a Super
Serial Card without the interrupts.  This will limit your speed to
about 1200/2400 baud without lots of lost characters.  The version of
Kermit from the University of Maryland works with the //c at faster
speeds but is only under Dos 3.3.

Rick Fincher