CC004019@BROWNVM.BITNET (Christopher Chung) (04/17/87)
Hi, Does anyone know who makes Bag of Tricks II? What is the company's name and phone number? I used to know but it seemed to have slipped my mind at the moment. I also have a couple of others questions that you may be able to help me with. First of all does WordPerfect work with the AE Transwarp card? Anyone have experience with this program (good or bad)? Anyone have any experience with a program called Mousefiler? A+ gave it a pretty good review in its April issue. Is it as good as they say? Thanks, Chris Acknowledge-To: <CC004019@BROWNVM>
atlas@pnet01.CTS.COM.UUCP (04/18/87)
Bag of Tricks II is put out by: Quality Software 21601 Marilla Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 709-1721 --Alan