Date: 27 April 1987, 20:40:05 MEZ From: Jan-Hinrich Wrage +49 (0)511 511592 WRAGE at DHVMHH1 To: INFO-APPLE at BRL cc: Ted Medin Apple KERMIT 3.75 SSC driver won't run on original 6502 microprocessor| I tried to re-assemble the Super-Serial-Card-driver (V 1.7) with Merlin on a Apple II+. Meanwhile I discovered in procedure with entry "SETNM" some non 6502 OpCodes: 6d5f: da phx 6d7d: fa plx 6d7e: 3c 81 c0 bit $c081,x 6d81: 3c 81 c0 bit $c081,x It makes no difference if you use this opcodes or the ".byte" command as shown in the "A2SSC M65"-file, cause the 6502 dosn't know this commands. Up to now I haven't tried to change this part of the driver, cause I don't understand what this routine should do. The most important question I think is whether this routine is time-critical or not and which registers return info to the calling routine? I haven't checked other routines, cause LINK-failures between KERMSRV and me. (I orderd the Main-File one Week ago and is hasn't arieved yet.) But Ted should know if he used other non 6502 OpCodes in the other routines. ? Bye Jan