jshaver@APG-5.ARPA (John Science Fiction & Resume Service Shaver) (04/30/87)
----- Forwarded message # 1: Date: Thu, 30 Apr 87 10:46:20 EDT From: John "Science Fiction & Resume Service" Shaver <jshaver@apg-5> To: jshaver@APG-5 Subject: Pascal DOS Conversion The programs which follow are based upon an article in the 1982 April Byte. The first program is a Pascal program which will read DOS directories and extract text files, set the high bit properly and create a Pascal Text file. ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Begin Poke chart for RWTS.OBJ0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ (*get dos*) { $L #11:getdos.list } { $s++} program getdos; const max = 18432;{ 36 blocks of 512 bytes max } page = 256;{ dos sector length } cleareol= 29; clearscreen = 12; type byte = 0..255; units = 1..12; untyped_file=file; sector=record block:0..7; half:(first,second) end; var map: packed array[0..15] of sector; buf: packed array[0..511] of byte; text: packed array[0..max] of byte; sourcefile, destfile: string; sourceunit, destunit: units; drives : set of units; block, trak, sec, blockcount, i: integer; ptr : integer; { pointer to text array } done, found : boolean; ch : char; f : file of char; diskfile : untyped_file; { for use with blockwrite } procedure initialize; begin map[0].block := 0; map[0].half := first; map[1].block := 7; map[1].half := first; map[2].block := 6; map[2].half := second; map[3].block := 6; map[3].half := first; map[4].block := 5; map[4].half := second; map[5].block := 5; map[5].half := first; map[6].block := 4; map[6].half := second; map[7].block := 4; map[7].half := first; map[8].block := 3; map[8].half := second; map[9].block := 3; map[9].half := first; map[10].block:= 2; map[10].half:= second; map[11].block:= 2; map[11].half:= first; map[12].block:= 1; map[12].half:= second; map[13].block:= 1; map[13].half:= first; map[14].block:= 0; map[14].half:= second; map[15].block:= 7; map[15].half:= second; end;{ initialize } PROCEDURE PRINTAT(y: integer; s: string); begin gotoxy(0,y); write(chr(cleareol),s) end; PROCEDURE GETNAMES; var ok : boolean; dest : string; begin drives := [4,5]; repeat write(chr(clearscreen)); printat(2,'*** GETDOS ***'); printat(5,'Units: 1. Console: 4. drive #4:'); printat(6,' 5. Drive #5: 6. Printer:'); printat(8,'Source Unit (4-5)? '); readln(sourceunit); printat(10,'Destination unit (1-6)? ');readln(destunit); printat(12,'Source file name: ');readln(sourcefile); destfile := sourcefile; str(destunit,dest); if pos('.',sourcefile ) = 0 then destfile := concat(sourcefile,'.text'); case destunit of 1: destfile := 'console:'; 2: destfile := 'systerm:'; 3: destfile := 'not available'; 4,5:destfile := concat('#',dest,':',destfile); 6: destfile := 'printer:'; 7,8,9,10,11,12: destfile := 'not implemented'; end; { case of destunit } printat(14,concat('Destination file: ',destfile)); printat(16,'<cr> accepts, <e> exits, <sp> restarts '); read(keyboard, ch); ok := eoln(keyboard); if ch in ['e','E',chr(27)] then exit(program); until ok; end; { getnames } PROCEDURE READSEC; begin block := (trak*8) +map[sec].block; unitread(sourceunit,buf,512,block); case map[sec].half of first : moveleft(buf[0],text[ptr],page); second: moveleft(buf[page],text[ptr],page); end; { cases of map } ptr := ptr+page; end; {readsec} procedure readsource; const bytes_per_entry=35; header=11; blanks=' '; var name: string[30]; filetype: byte; limit, sectorcount, entry: integer; list: packed array[1..80,0..1] of byte; begin printat(18,'Reading catalog...'); trak := 17 ; ptr:=0; for sec := 15 downto 1 do readsec; limit := ptr-1; ptr := header; entry := 0; sourcefile :=concat(sourcefile,' ') ; repeat name := copy(blanks,1,length(sourcefile)); entry := entry + 1; for i := 1 to length(sourcefile) do name[i] := chr(text[ptr+i+2]-128); found := name = sourcefile; if not found then begin if (entry mod 7) = 0 then ptr := ptr + header; ptr := ptr + bytes_per_entry end; until (found or (ptr> limit)); if not found then begin printat(18,'File not found...'); exit(readsource) end; trak := text[ptr]; sec := text[ptr+1]; filetype := text[ptr+2]; sectorcount := text[ptr+33] -1 ; if ((filetype <>0) and (filetype <>128)) or (sectorcount>72 )then begin founD := false; printat(18,'Not a TEXT file...'); exit(readsource) end; ptr := 0; readsec; ptr := 12; for i := 1 to sectorcount do begin list[i,0] := text[ptr]; ptr := ptr + 1; list[i,1] := text[ptr]; ptr := ptr + 1; end; if odd(sectorcount) then blockcount := (sectorcount + 1) div 2 else blockcount := sectorcount div 2; fillchar(text[0],blockcount*512,chr(0)); printat(18,'Reading file...'); ptr := 0; for i := 1 to sectorcount do begin trak := list[i,0]; sec := list[i,1]; readsec end; end; { readsource } PROCEDURE WRITEDEST; var nextbyte : byte; begin ptr := 0; printat(18,concat('Put ',destfile,' on line; press <cr> ')); read(keyboard,ch); if destunit in drives then begin printat(18,'One moment please...'); fillchar(buf[0],512,chr(0)); for i := 0 to blockcount*512 do if text[i]>127 then text[i] := text[i] - 128; printat(18,concat('Writing to ',destfile,'...')); rewrite(diskfile,destfile); i := blockwrite(diskfile,buf,1,0); i := blockwrite(diskfile,buf,1,1); i := blockwrite(diskfile,text[0],blockcount,2); close(diskfile,lock); end else begin printat(18,concat('Writing to ',destfile,'...')); rewrite(f,destfile); writeln(f); repeat nextbyte := text[ptr+1]; ch := chr(text[ptr]-128); write(f,ch); ptr := ptr + 1 until nextbyte = 0; close(f,lock); end; { else } end; { writedest } begin { MAIN PROGRAM } initialize; repeat getnames; readsource; if found then writedest; writeln; writeln; write('Another file? (y/nn) '); read(keyboard,ch); done := ch in ['N','n']; until done end { MAIN }. ------------------------------------------------------------ The next two programs are required in DOS to read a Pascal directory and to convert the text file found in to a normal Apple text file. The first program is in BASIC. Attached to it is a listing of the locations and pokes required to create a file called RWTS.OBJ0. This is the program which actually reads the Pascal directory and disk. These programs seem to work for both PASCAL 1.1 and 1.2 from Apple. ----------------------------------------------- 2 GOTO 200 100 REM WRITJEJ FILE (SKIP NULLS) 105 CH = PEEK (I) 110 IF CH = 16 THEN I = I + 1:CH = 0: IF PEEK (I) > 32 THEN FOR J = 33 TO PEEK (I): PRINT " ";: NEXT J:I = I + 1: GOTO 105 115 IF CH = 0 AND I > EN THEN RETURN 120 IF CH = 0 THEN I = I + 1: GOTO 105 125 I = I + 1: PRINT CHR$ (CH);: GOTO 105 130 REM READ A BLOCK 135 SL% = SS:DR% = SD 140 TR% = INT (BLOCK / 8) 145 PT% = INT ((BLOCK / 8 - TR%) * 8) 150 SE% = M%(PT%,0): CALL RWTS 155 GOSUB 190:BU% = BU% + PAGE 160 SE% = M%(PT%,1): CALL RWTS 165 GOSUB 190:BU% = BU% + PAGE 170 RETURN 175 REM CENTER TITLE 180 HTAB 20 - LEN (T$) / 2: PRINT T$: RETURN 185 REM ERR TRAP 190 IF ER% < > 0 THEN VTAB 20: CALL - 868: PRINT "DOS ERROR...": POP : POP : GOTO 290 195 RETURN 200 REM INITIALIZE 205 RWTS = 16384: HIMEM: RWTS 210 PRINT CHR$ (4);"BLOADRWTS.OBJ0" 215 PAGE = 256 220 BU% = RWTS + PAGE:CM% = 1 225 BEG = BU%:EN = BU% + PAGE 230 M%(0,0) = 0:M%(0,1) = 14 235 M%(1,0) = 13:M%(1,1) = 12 240 M%(2,0) = 11:M%(2,1) = 10 245 M%(3,0) = 9:M%(3,1) = 8 250 M%(4,0) = 7:M%(4,1) = 6 255 M%(5,0) = 5:M%(5,1) = 4 260 M%(6,0) = 3:M%(6,1) = 2 265 M%(7,0) = 1:M%(7,1) = 15 270 REM GET FILE NAMES 275 HOME : VTAB 3 280 T$ = "*** CONVERT: PASCAL TO TEXT ***": GOSUB 180: PRINT 285 REM 290 VTAB 8: HTAB 1 295 PRINT "SOURCE SLOT : 6"; 300 HTAB PEEK (36): GET IN$ 305 SS = VAL (IN$) 310 IF SS = 0 THEN SS = 6 315 IF SS < 0 OR SS > 7 THEN 290 320 PRINT SS 325 VTAB 10: HTAB 1 330 PRINT "SOURCE DRIVE: 1"; 335 HTAB PEEK (36): GET IN$ 340 SD = VAL (IN$) 345 IF SD = 0 THEN SD = 1 350 IF SD < 1 OR SD > 2 THEN 325 355 PRINT SD 360 VTAB 12: HTAB 1 365 PRINT "DESTINATION SLOT: 6"; 370 HTAB PEEK (36): GET IN$ 375 DS = VAL (IN$) 380 IF DS = 0 THEN DS = 6 385 IF DS < 1 OR DS > 7 THEN 360 390 PRINT DS 395 VTAB 14: HTAB 1 400 PRINT "DESTINATION DRIVE: 2"; 405 HTAB PEEK (36): GET IN$ 410 DD = VAL (IN$) 415 IF DD = 0 THEN DD = 2 420 IF DD < 1 OR DD > 2 THEN 395 425 PRINT DD 430 VTAB 16: HTAB 1 435 INPUT "SOURCE FILE: ";SF$: IF LEN (SF$) = 0 THEN 430 440 VTAB 18: HTAB 1 445 INPUT "DESTINATION FILE: ";DF$ 450 IF LEN (DF$) = 0 THEN DF$ = SF$: VTAB 18: PRINT "DESTINATION FILE: ";DF$ 455 L2 = LEN (SF$) 460 VTAB 20: CALL - 868: PRINT "PRESS <RET> TO PROCEED; <ESC> TO END ";: GET IN$: IF IN$ = CHR$ (27) THEN 605 465 PRINT : IF IN$ < > CHR$ (13) THEN 290 470 IF SD = DD THEN VTAB 20: PRINT "INSERT THE SOURCE DISK; PRESS <RET> ";: INPUT "";IN$ 475 REM GET DIRECTORY 480 VTAB 20: CALL - 868: PRINT "READING DIRECTORY..." 485 BU% = RWTS + PAGE: FOR BLOCK = 2 TO 5: GOSUB 135: NEXT BLOCK 490 EN = BU% 495 REM FIND FILE NAME 500 FOR I = BEG TO EN STEP 26:NA$ = "" 505 SB = PEEK (I) + 256 * PEEK (I + 1):NB = PEEK (I + 2) + 256 * PEEK (I + 3):L1 = PEEK (I + 6) 510 IF L1 < > L2 THEN 525 515 FOR J = I + 7 TO I + L1 + 6:NA$ = NA$ + CHR$ ( PEEK (J)): NEXT J 520 IF NA$ = SF$ THEN 540 525 NEXT I 530 IF NA$ = "" THEN VTAB 20: CALL - 868: PRINT "FILE NOT FOUND: PRESS <RET> ";: INPUT "";IN$: GOTO 290 535 REM READ SOURCE 540 VTAB 20: CALL - 868: PRINT "READING FILE..." 545 SB = SB + 2:EB = NB - 1:BU% = RWTS + PAGE 550 FOR BLOCK = SB TO EB: GOSUB 135: NEXT BLOCK 555 IF SD = DD THEN VTAB 20: CALL - 868: PRINT "INSERT DESTINATION DISK; PRESS <RET> ";: INPUT "";IN$ 560 REM WRITE DEST 565 VTAB 20: CALL - 868: PRINT "WRITING..." 570 PRINT CHR$ (4);"OPEN ";DF$,"D",DD 575 PRINT CHR$ (4);"DELETE ";DF$ 580 PRINT CHR$ (4);"OPEN ";DF$,"D",DD 585 PRINT CHR$ (4);"WRITE ";DF$ 590 I = BEG:EN = BU% - PAGE: GOSUB 105 595 PRINT CHR$ (4);"CLOSE ";DF$ 600 VTAB 20: CALL - 868: PRINT "ANOTHER FILE (Y/N) ";: GET IN$: IF IN$ = "Y" THEN 270 605 PRINT : END CLOSE 16384 32 227 3 132 72 133 73 165 16392 184 133 30 165 185 133 31 32 16400 121 64 10 10 10 10 160 1 16408 145 72 32 127 64 160 2 145 16416 72 169 0 160 3 145 72 32 16424 133 64 160 4 145 72 32 139 16432 64 160 5 145 72 32 145 64 16440 160 8 145 72 160 0 177 131 16448 160 9 145 72 32 151 64 240 16456 39 160 12 145 72 32 157 64 16464 32 227 3 32 217 3 160 13 16472 177 72 176 2 169 0 160 1 16480 145 131 177 72 160 15 145 72 16488 160 2 177 72 160 16 145 72 16496 165 30 133 184 165 31 133 185 16504 96 32 163 64 83 76 37 32 16512 163 64 68 82 37 32 163 64 16520 84 82 37 32 163 64 83 69 16528 37 32 163 64 66 85 37 32 16536 163 64 67 77 37 32 163 64 16544 69 82 37 104 133 184 104 133 16552 185 230 184 208 2 230 185 32 16560 227 223 160 1 177 131 96 0 ----- End of forwarded messages