Getting a modem to do anything from BASIC requires a serial interface with firmware that can be called from BASIC (Apple's SSC for instance which accepts PRINT CHR$($);"IN#2":PRINT CHR$(1);"T" to "enter terminal mode." Then the modem has to be given its command for "auto answer" (some modems auto answer as a default or can be set to with a micro switch). It's been awhile since I programmed that function myself, but I believe the HAYES SMARTMODEM command is ATA
sipples@husc4.HARVARD.EDU (timothy sipples) (05/22/87)
In article <8705210954.aa08334@SMOKE.BRL.ARPA> SEWALL@UCONNVM.BITNET writes: > >Then the modem has to be given its command for "auto answer" >(some modems auto answer as a default or can be set to with >a micro switch). It's been awhile since I programmed that >function myself, but I believe the HAYES SMARTMODEM command >is ATA The correct command is ATS0=x where x is a number 0 to 255, the number of rings the Hayes Smartmodem will wait before answering. Examples: ATS0=11 sets the modem to answer after the eleventh ring. ATS0=0 sets the modem to never answer. T.F.S.