I just moved, and read the 130 messages that arrived while I was out. Thanks to all you who helped with the printer. At some point, Asaf Sokolowski asked about gs prices and upgrades. Others seem to have addressed the cost question well. I have an upgraded //e, so I'll comment on that. First off--don't try upgrading a clone. Even the early //e's can't be upgraded, something to do with the case being different. I paid $500 for the upgrade, $100 for a mouse, and about $400 for a 3.5" drive. I realize now that I could have gotten the mouse and drive cheaper mail order, but hey, I'm not really experienced with these things. Total cost so far--$1000. Okay. I'm still using a composite monitor, and I'll want another 3.5 eventually. I imagine that if I had sold the //e, I could have had a gs for maybe a couple hundred more. So the reasons I went for the upgrade? I couldn't afford that extra couple hundred all at once. I could afford the upgrade, and working this summer I should be able to get the RGB (not apple's, a mail-order one of good reputation for $350), and someday I'll get the 3.5. This way, I can have the computer now, and add things on as I can afford them. Still, that may not be enough to justify my decision (as if I have to justify it). So the clincher--I tried the GS keyboard, and I hated it. I hated the //c keyboard, too. I like the //e keyboard much better, and I can get a numeric keypad for $35 if I ever need it. If I could have gotten a Mac II keyboard with a gs system, I might have considered it, but I asked and they said no. So that's my upgrade testimony. I haven't had any problems with it (except the printer problems, but that's common to other gs's), and I have a keyboard I prefer. My Applied Engineering GS-Ram card even fits--that was my major worry. Any specific questions, send mail to DICKSON@HARTFORD.BITNET. By the way, how do you all get pieces of other people's mail re-quoted next to little > symbols? I've never figured that out. I'm on a VAX if that helps. May an Ogre MK V never roll through your home, Bill "the Cat" Dickson.