[comp.sys.apple] Serial port settings for GS and Super Serial

delaney@wnre.aecl.CDN.UUCP (06/03/87)

The following is from the Super Serial quick referance cand and all appear to 
work on the IIgs.
-------------------------------- cut -----------------------------------------
                        SERIAL INTERFACE COMMANDS

         The following are a summary of Super Serial Card Commands which are
         useful on the Apple IIgs.  The table is abbreviated.  Commands to a
         MODEM port should be preceeded by a Control A (CHR$(1) in Basic.
         Those to a PRINTER port should be preceeded by Control I (CHR$(9) in

         BAUD RATE                     COMMAND
            110                           3B
            300                           6B
           1200                           8B
           2400                          10B
           4800                          12B
           9600                          14B
          19200                          15B

         DATA FORMAT
          data stop
           8   1                          0D
           7   1                          1D
           8   2                          4D
           7   2                          5D

          NONE                         0,2,4,or6P
          ODD                             1P
          EVEN                            3P
          MARK                            5P
          SPACE                           7P

         ADD LF after CR
           on                             M E
           off                            M D

         ADD CR after LF
           on                             L E
           off                            L D

           none                           0C
           32ms                           1C
           1/4sec                         2C
           2sec                           3C

           none                           0L
           32ms                           1L
           1/4sec                         2L
           2 sec                          3L

           on                             X E
           off                            X D

         RESET INTERFACE                  R

         MODEM ONLY
         ENTER TERMINAL MODE              T
         SEND 233-ms BREAK                B
         QUIT TERMINAL MODE               Q