delaney@wnre.aecl.CDN (Grant Delaney) (06/19/87)
John I sort of ran into the same problem when I forgot to change the default baud rate on my modem port of my GS. Decom can not set the baud rate it uses the default set on you serial interface. Two solutions: 1. reset you serial interface to the desired baudrate 2. exit decom and use ctrAxB to set the right baud rate after an IN#2 if your inter face follows super serial proticol Grant Delaney
cssu@cdfa.toronto.EDU ("Comp. Sci. Students' Union - Gideon B. Sheps") (06/20/87)
Please remove this account ( ) from your mailing list. It should never have been there in the first place as it is not for personal use. G. Sheps - CSSU President