Gee I'm glad I didn't see that message two years ago when I put the Mach 3.5 accelerator (from Call-A.P.P.L.E) into my //e which has a Grappler+, a Super-Serial, Duo-Disk drive controller, and RAMFactor, in it as well. It might have disuaded me from putting in the accelerator, which has been a very nice addition. Maybe accelerators which use the 65C02C (the CMOS chip), which draws a lot less power than the 6502C put less of a load on the power supply? The most recent Transwarp cards do use the 65C02C. Anyway, my //e is 4 years old, does have a system saver fan, and will probably need to see the Apple doctor soon just because it is getting old. Otherwise, the Mach 3.5 card hasn't seemed to cause trouble.